Branch: refs/heads/thaines/cleanup_DwarfWalker_die_name
Commit: b25335fa4ebdc6dea80f52c0b5fa79d6a9ec164e
Author: Tim Haines <thaines@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2021-11-17 (Wed, 17 Nov 2021)
Changed paths:
M symtabAPI/src/Object-elf.C
M symtabAPI/src/dwarfWalker.C
M symtabAPI/src/dwarfWalker.h
Log Message:
DwarfWalker: clean up interfaces for findDieName and findName
findDieName always returned 'true', so any checks for its return value
were meaningless. It was also not clear that 'findName' would modify its
argument. The new interface removes that surprise by making the name the
return value.