[DynInst_API:] heads up: spack format for default boost libraries is changing

Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 16:39:38 -0500
From: Mark Krentel <krentel@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] heads up: spack format for default boost libraries is changing
Heads up!  Spack is changing how they handle the defaults for building
the boost libraries.

Instead of many/most libraries on by default, they're going to change
the default for almost all to off and build only those libraries that
are explicitly asked for.  This is their way of handling multiple
packages all asking for different configs of boost.  (So, you don't
build unnecessary libraries.)

Anyway, hpctoolkit and dyninst are already using the new format.
But I want to check that the list of libraries is up to date.
Currently, dyninst has:

    boost_libs = '+atomic+chrono+date_time+filesystem+system+thread+timer'

Is anyone in dyninst using a boost library that is not listed above?

If yes, then we need to update the spack recipe.  Note: this only
applies to actual compiled .so libraries.  Header-only libraries don't

Tim, can you follow up, if needed?


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  • [DynInst_API:] heads up: spack format for default boost libraries is changing, Mark Krentel <=