Re: [DynInst_API:] testsuite releases request

Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2020 14:50:36 -0600
From: thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] testsuite releases request
Hi, Stan.

>I still use the 10.1.0 testsuite as that is the last release available.

The test suite has had some updates since the time that Dyninst 10.1.0 was released. However, we don't do versioned releases for it. Rather, we just guarantee that the HEAD of master for the test suite builds against the HEAD of master for Dyninst (it's how we do our local testing). Generally speaking, the current test suite should work against an older version of Dyninst, but I've not tested this.

>Going forward could a testsuite release be matched with a dyninst release?

I don't see any particular reason we *couldn't* do this. I would suggest limiting releases to only when a new version of Dyninst is released to keep the versioning simple.

>I am carrying forward a bunch of testsuite patches to get the 10.1.0 testsuite to build.

Are these patches for Dyninst or for the test suite? What do these patches do? If there are test breakages, we definitely want to fix them.


Â- Tim

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 6:51 AM Stan Cox <scox@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The build and release procedures on fedora and rhel are tied to upstream
releases. So for example current fedora and rhel do this in
dyninst.spec (rpm build file)
 %define __testsuite_version 10.1.0

The tar ball is grabbed and cached locally. Any patches to be applied
plus the spec file are checked into a release engineering git
repository. This is built in a build farm using a standard "root

I still use the 10.1.0 testsuite as that is the last release available.
Just a small request. Going forward could a testsuite release be
matched with a dyninst release? I am carrying forward a bunch of
testsuite patches to get the 10.1.0 testsuite to build.

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