[DynInst_API:] BPatch_dynamicTargetExpr not returning correct value for return instructions

Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 00:32:59 +0000
From: Mahwish Arif <mahwish05@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] BPatch_dynamicTargetExpr not returning correct value for return instructions
I am using Dyninst to implement a CFI shadow stack. I am trying to get the target address of the return instruction as below:Â

//Inst_pair is the iterator I get over the vector returned by getInstructions().ÂInst_pair.first is InstructionAPI instruction object and Inst_pair.secondÂis the starting address of the instruction.Â

if(Inst_pair.first.getCategory() == Dyninst::InstructionAPI::c_ReturnInsn){

   appImage->findPoints(Inst_pair.second, points);

   BPatch_dynamicTargetExpr retAddr;


   BPatch_funcCallExpr actionCallExpr2(*func_1, instArgs);

   BPatchSnippetHandle *handle2 = app->insertSnippet(actionCallExpr2, *points[0] ,BPatch_callBefore,BPatch_lastSnippet);


void func_1(void * trgAddr){



However the values returned to func_1 are random values and not actual return addresses. How to useÂBPatch_dynamicTargetExpr properly with return instructions?Â

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  • [DynInst_API:] BPatch_dynamicTargetExpr not returning correct value for return instructions, Mahwish Arif <=