Re: [DynInst_API:] ExternalProject_Add and dependencies

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2019 17:43:27 -0500
From: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] ExternalProject_Add and dependencies
Hi, Stan.

>Older versions of linux do not have a recent enough tbb or boost to build dyninst.

This is also true for elfutils and libiberty (via binutils).

>One is that dependencies are needed otherwise what I see is something like 'make -j20' will cause dyninst build errors because pieces are not available.

That's interesting, I've not seen this with parallel builds since 10.1. We enforce the build order by making libcommon and DyninstRT dependent on boost. If something isn't dependent upon one of those two, then it could fail. Could you send me the error message you saw?

>Another is the tbb and boost builds are installed into the ultimate install location.

This is to ensure that Dyninst is a self-contained distribution and that the Testsuite builds using the exact libraries that Dyninst was built against (previously, this was not the case). There are consequences to doing it this way (see the notes in the Wiki), but elfutils has been installed this way since it was able to build through ExternalProject_Add. Before 10.1, the install was done _after_ Dyninst was built (when doing 'make install' for Dyninst) such that you had to do a lot of internal juggling of directories to maintain the correct include locations. The latest build system removes this juggling by installing _before_ Dyninst is completely built, instead.

> So what happens with our system builds is it wants to install to the system library directory, e.g. /usr/lib64/dyninst. I patched that so tbb and boost do an intermediate install to tbb/install and boost/install, dyninst builds from that, and CMakeLists.txt installs those.

It's assumed that you will have access to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX at any point during the build process. If this is not the case, then you can build/install Dyninst to a temporary location and then copy it out from there. For example,Â
ÂÂÂ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/temp/dyninst ...
ÂÂÂ make
ÂÂÂ make install
ÂÂÂ sudo cp -R /path/to/temp/dyninst /usr/lib64/

> I patched that so tbb and boost do an intermediate install to tbb/install and boost/install, dyninst builds from that, and CMakeLists.txt installs those. It works but it the CMakeLists.txt bit is really ugly

Indeed. That's exactly why I chose to simplify the build system so that it would be somewhat maintainable. The only added constraint is that CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is assumed to always be available. This is generally a valid assumption in CMake, but can be tricky when it's a system directory (as in your case) but that's true of anything built from source using CMake. "sudo make install" really only works when no external libraries have been built for you. The general solution is to use something like Spack (or easybuild)- which Dyninst does support.


- Tim

On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 4:46 PM Stan Cox <scox@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Older versions of linux do not have a recent enough tbb or boost to
build dyninst. The ExternalProject_Add support is nice for those; I
notice a couple of things. One is that dependencies are needed
otherwise what I see is something like 'make -j20' will cause dyninst
build errors because pieces are not available. I'm just using -j1 for
now; but oh my goodness that increases the build time. Another is the
tbb and boost builds are installed into the ultimate install location.
So what happens with our system builds is it wants to install to the
system library directory, e.g. /usr/lib64/dyninst. I patched that so
tbb and boost do an intermediate install to tbb/install and
boost/install, dyninst builds from that, and CMakeLists.txt installs
those. It works but it the CMakeLists.txt bit is really ugly:

+# Copy TBB and BOOST libraries from temp install dir to dyninst install dir
+# Note: make has not yet run so we need to explicitly set the list
+set(TBB_AND_BOOST_LIBS tbb/install/lib/
tbb/install/lib/ tbb/install/lib/libtbbmalloc.s
o tbb/install/lib/ tbb/install/lib/
tbb/install/lib/ boost/install/lib/libboost_atomic.a boost/
boost/install/lib/libboost_chrono.a boost/install/lib/lib boost/install/lib/
boost/install/lib/libboost_date_time.a boost/install/lib/libboost_date_t boost/install/lib/
so boost/install/lib/
boost/install/lib/libboost_system.a boost/install/lib/
stall/lib/ boost/install/lib/libboost_thread.a
boost/install/lib/ boost/install/lib/libbo boost/install/lib/libboost_timer.a
boost/install/lib/ boost/install/lib/
+foreach(F ${TBB_AND_BOOST_LIBS})
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