Branch: refs/heads/ARM_effcAddr
Commit: 8871efe5daa1dec718ed86ced6b62e4fc8c236c1
Author: Sasha @leela <sasha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2019-02-14 (Thu, 14 Feb 2019)
Changed paths:
M instructionAPI/src/InstructionDecoder-aarch64.h
M instructionAPI/src/aarch64_opcode_tables.C
Log Message:
Fix unnecessary multiple calls to buildSysRegMap.
This function should be called only once, but was being called for every
instruction to be decoded. As a result, dyninst would take a long time
to execute. Now to simply run test1_1 on create mode takes 28 seconds,
as opposed to 58 before this fix, and now closer to 20 seconds for x86_64.
Commit: 4dc3f490d0e7d79211a0359402f1bab34901a127
Author: L.E.R <i@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2019-03-12 (Tue, 12 Mar 2019)
Changed paths:
M dyninstAPI/src/inst-aarch64.C
Log Message:
Implement ARMv8 IMFC and Load/Store Shared (#562)
* Implement AArch64 InterModule Function call
* fix memory access mistakes, now uses offset mode
* removed all the debug printout for imfc
* add rewriter mode check- delete unwanted functions
* fix break on dynamic mode
* aarch64 broken movePCToReg implementation
* movePCToReg still not working
* fix addressing mode for emitLoadRelative
* LoadShared: snip_ref_shlib_var test passes
* add assert details, remove debug code, and format patch
* inst-aarch64: sprintf -> snprintf, debug comments cleanup
* Minor cleanup- Remove commented-out code and debug print statements.
Commit: f2d6450aab817cf8e1cfa59bcaae55902732fa19
Author: ScorpionXiezi <qan9677@xxxxxx>
Date: 2019-03-25 (Mon, 25 Mar 2019)
Changed paths:
M common/h/dyn_regs.h
M dyninstAPI/src/inst-aarch64.C
Log Message:
PC register access
Commit: 90bc80c14d27e4a7d30920888ebd6cdbbbc7a24a
Author: ScorpionXiezi <qan9677@xxxxxx>
Date: 2019-03-25 (Mon, 25 Mar 2019)
Changed paths:
M dyninstAPI/src/inst-aarch64.C
M instructionAPI/src/InstructionDecoder-aarch64.h
M instructionAPI/src/aarch64_opcode_tables.C
Log Message:
Merge branch 'ARMv8' into ARM_effcAddr
Commit: 90fe8724f8eafa77b6790d0b8e262ae944975444
Author: ScorpionXiezi <qan9677@xxxxxx>
Date: 2019-04-01 (Mon, 01 Apr 2019)
Changed paths:
M dyninstAPI/src/BPatch_memoryAccessAdapter.C
M dyninstAPI/src/inst-aarch64.C
Log Message:
Enable PC relative effective address calculation, AST visitor will return 32 for PC register