Re: [DynInst_API:] elfutils, elf.h, and dyninst

Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 13:33:45 -0600
From: "Mark W. Krentel" <krentel@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] elfutils, elf.h, and dyninst
I was about to warn you that the new config option won't be available
until the next release, but I just check the elfutils web site and
0.176 (with the option) was released on Friday, Feb 15.

[DIR]    0.174/    14-Sep-2018 11:44
[DIR]    0.175/    16-Nov-2018 12:14
[DIR]    0.176/    15-Feb-2019 16:14

The option from configure -h is:

  --enable-install-elfh   install elf.h in include dir

Btw, I already fixed this in spack.  You don't need a special variant.
If you install elfutils via spack, it will be there and the spack
install should "just work."   (If it doesn't, let me know.)


On 02/20/19 11:25, John Mellor-Crummey wrote:

See the message below from Mark Wielaard regarding this issue. The plan was to provide an option to meet the need you identified.
John Mellor-Crummey Professor
Dept of Computer Science Rice University
email: johnmc@xxxxxxxx phone: 713-348-5179

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