I just checked this out locally and pushed up source code and makefile updates. The makefile will need manual configuration:
* set the C++0x/C++11 flag appropriately for your compiler
* set the new/old GNU ABI flag to match how you built dyninst (default is old ABI in both unstrip and dyninst)
Should work though.
Is ARM32 one of the embedded architectures you're looking at?
From: Dyninst-api <dyninst-api-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Osborn, Justin D. <Justin.Osborn@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 12:22 PM
To: 'dyninst-api@xxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [DynInst_API:] Building UNSTRIP from source
Hi all – please forgive the newbie question.
I am trying to get UNSTRIP built from source. Looks like the last source version on github was updated 4 years ago. I jumped through a couple hoops to get dyninst built and installed, and then I was able to get UNSTRIP to compile, however, I get a bunch of “undefined reference to” Dyninst API functions when linking. It’s properly finding my dyninst libraries, so I assume the issue is that the dyninst api has changed between now and whatever version of dyninst UNSTRIP was built for? (but maybe that’s a bad assumption, I don’t know). Do I need an older version of dyninst for UNSTRIP, and if so, what version?
I am running a project where we are investigating porting existing function-level signaturing methods to embedded architectures.
Justin Osborn