Branch: refs/heads/arm64/feature/semantics_setup
Commit: 322964ef7b002bb470f0d595c54c5ba84835490e
Author: Sunny Shah <shah28@xxxxxxxx>
Date: 2016-07-12 (Tue, 12 Jul 2016)
Changed paths:
M dataflowAPI/rose/semantics/DispatcherARM64.h
M dataflowAPI/rose/semantics/SymEvalSemantics.C
M dataflowAPI/rose/semantics/SymEvalSemantics.h
M dataflowAPI/src/SymEval.C
M parseAPI/CMakeLists.txt
Log Message:
Allow accessing StateARM64's Dyninst::Address member in RegisterStateARM64 for use by wrap().
When calling wrap() in RegisterStateARM64::readRegister(), the Dyninst::Address member passed in to StateARM64 needs to be accessed. A new RegisterStateARM64::readRegister is added which takes the RegisterDescriptor and the Dyninst::Address, and the default readRegister() causes an assert().
RiscOperators in SymEvalSemantics is renamed to RiscOperatorsARM64. Two methods in it were wrongly named -- they have been renamed to their correct versions.
Building of SymEvalSemantics is also enabled now.