Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: ce99292ae64edc87665ea5de19a6036fa376ac0d
Author: Bill Williams <wwilliam47@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)
Changed paths:
M dyninstAPI/src/dynProcess.C
M dyninstAPI_RT/src/RTheap-linux.c
M dyninstAPI_RT/src/RTheap.c
M dyninstAPI_RT/src/RTposix.c
Log Message:
release9.2/bugs/rtheap_mmap_only (#76)
* remove mallocs from the RTlib's os_malloc call when we're on the mmap path
* Fix mmap flags: MAP_32BIT is x86_64 only, and MAP_FIXED is inappropriate for this application
* Cleanup: remove dangling free() on malloc path, and adjust heap allocations such that:
1) Usable size >= requested size
2) Heap data structure at end, not at beginning, of heap (so that user heaps start aligned, and so that we aren't grabbing a whole previous page regardless of requested size).
* Node should go at the end of the returned heap
The node data structure should, in the case where the actual heap and the returned heap differ, go at the end of the returned heap so that the returned heap's size is correct.