On 04/29/2016 12:35 PM, John Detter wrote:
> Josh,
> This was an issue we were seeing with an earlier build of Dyninst. The
> issue was patched on the VEX branch and it should have been merged over
> to master. Do you think you could send me the binary that you are trying
> to parse?
It is libm-2.22.so from glibc-2.22-11.fc23.x86_64.
I've uploaded it here:
Or you can find all files from that build here:
I mentioned before that I had glibc-debuginfo installed too, but I've
now tried again with that removed, and the behavior is the same.
> Also, do you think you could send me the output of "git branch -v | grep
> master"? If you have your libdwarf/gcc/libboost versions handy that
> would be helpful as well, however if it's too much trouble don't worry
> about it.
My current branch is commit 4c6360a9a0bf plus the c++11 abi patch I sent
to the list yesterday.
The rest of the dependencies are all from Fedora 23 packages:
Also, just in case it matters for determinism, I configured with:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-g -Og' -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-g -Og'