Re: [DynInst_API:] deleting snippets and relocated code

Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2016 11:23:25 -0600
From: Barton Miller <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] deleting snippets and relocated code
Thanks Marc.

There are a lot of things that we do inside of Dyninst that sometimes seem pretty hard ... and that work pretty well. And sometimes they don't ...
For this issue, we definitely have code that evolved with incremental 
changes and no clear overview.  So, we're going to back up a few steps, 
try to (re-)define the semantics of what we really need, clear up and 
refactor some code, and (hopefully!) clear all this up.  We'll be glad 
to share what we're thinking as we move this ahead.
Stay tuned....


On 2/4/2016 3:58 AM, Marc BrÃnink wrote:
I am not sure whether we should jump from v1 to v2 at all. If you got any kind of state, moving from v1 to v2 is just asking for trouble.
The more I think about it, the more I believe that it is at least very 
very hard to do right. (But I would be more than happy to be put right)
Actually, single stepping the threads sounds pretty good to me. You 
only need to do that if the thread is pointing to relocated code that 
gets overwritten. Probably that does not happen too often.

On 29/01/2016 03:28, Bill Williams wrote:
Nice find, Marc. I admire the bug.

The problem here, I think, is that going relocated->original->relocated
is a lossy transformation; what we want to be able to do is go from
relocated v1 to relocated v2 directly so that we don't wind up getting
rewound to the beginning of instrumentation. (Alternately, we could have
the write process include single-stepping all threads until their PCs
point to safe instructions; I'm not sure that's 100% desirable behavior,

I'm happy to hear suggestions from the list on how to handle this safely...

On 01/28/2016 03:53 AM, Marc BrÃnink wrote:
I found the problem, but I do not really know how to solve it:

1. A springboard overwrites 3 instructions.
2. The PC of the thread is at the second instruction.
3. The PC of the thread is not changed, because the TrackerElement was
merged in CodeTracker::addTracker
4. The thread continues and crashes.

The first approach would be to simply disable merging. But that leads
to other issues. For example, with disabled merging I see the following

1. I am at 2aaab5ab032e
2. 2aaab5ab032e is relocated code and maps to the original address
3. Mapping the original address back to relocated code will return

Thus the PC is set to 2aaab5ab030a and I will re-execute the
instructions between 2aaab5ab030a and 2aaab5ab032e

        2aaab5ab030a: lea RSP, RSP + ffffff58
        2aaab5ab0312: mov [RSP + 20], RAX
        2aaab5ab0317: lea RAX, RSP + a8
        2aaab5ab031f: and RSP, ffffffe0
        2aaab5ab0323: mov [RSP], RAX
        2aaab5ab0327: mov RAX, [RAX + ffffff78]
        2aaab5ab032e: push RAX, RSP


On 22/01/2016 19:34, Marc BrÃnink wrote:
Hi all,

if I deleteSnippet, does the relocation code get deleted as well? Or
do the relocated code regions get reused?
If yes, where? I was unable to find anything.

I insert and delete snippets quite a lot. Sometimes I will end up
with threads pointing into broken relocation regions. And I donât
know why.

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