Re: [DynInst_API:] Dyninst for dynamic analysis

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 16:19:38 +0000
From: svartanov@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] Dyninst for dynamic analysis
Dear Jonas,

Thank you for your interest,

The main goal of my work is to build dynamic analysis tool for defect detection that could analyze Java bytecode as well as binary code.

We already have our tool for binary dynamic analysisâAvalanche. It is OK to run whole Java virtual machine at the top of Avalanche, but actually it analyzes JVM binary code, not Java bytecode itself.

There is a dynamic analysis tool Javana that runs Jikes RVM on top of their own dynamic binary instrumentator (DIOTA). They use messages from virtual machine to differ Java code interpretation from dynamic libraries invocation and some JVM internal work like garbage collecting. But, as I understand, this architecture leads to much overhead.

You could also try to run the VM inside S2E. This would reduce the need to write an entire symbolic execution engine.

SÂE is a great framework, but dealing with Java, I want to avoid extra levels of simulation and interpretation.

Best regards,
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