On 09/14/2015 05:09 PM, Robert Lim wrote:
I am trying to compile DynInst 9.0.3 and use the ParseAPI utility.
When I run the example code on page 3 of the ParseAPI manual, I get
the following error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsymLite
When compiling DynInst, I am using the following command:
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/shared/build/rose-BuildFolder/boost_1_53_0
-DPLATFORM=x86_64 .
make && make install
When building the example, I am using the command:
g++ -std=c++0x -o example example.cc
-I/shared/build/rose-BuildFolder/boost_1_53_0 -lparseAPI
-linstructionAPI -lsymtabAPI -ldynDwarf -ldynElf -lcommon
-lelf -L/home/users/roblim1/repos/DyninstAPI-9.0.3/libdwarf/lib -ldwarf
I also tried passing -DLIGHTWEIGHT_SYMTAB=ON to cmake, but the DynInst
compilation gives errors.
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Fixed in git-head at git.dyninst.org; 9.0.4 is coming soon, with a few
more fixes as well.
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