Re: [DynInst_API:] Dyninst build abort with latest git sources

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:34:47 -0500
From: Jim Galarowicz <jeg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] Dyninst build abort with latest git sources
Hi Bill, Josh,

That worked.  I was able to build successfully.

Thanks for the quick response.

Jim G

On 09/11/2015 04:01 PM, Bill Williams wrote:
On 09/11/2015 04:00 PM, Josh Stone wrote:
On 09/11/2015 01:46 PM, Bill Williams wrote:
How on earth does git archive not know how to tar.gz something? Is there
no gzip (or no tar) on this system?
It's too old?  This is first mentioned in git 1.7.7 relnotes. (Sep 2011)
Dyninst-api mailing list
Four years, though!

No matter. It's fixed.
Dyninst-api mailing list

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