2015 Scalable Tools Workshop
The website for the Tools Workshop is now up and running. From this website, you can
get up to date information about the program and a link to the Granlibakken Resort
page for workshop registration and lodging.
Note by reserving lodging space at the Granlibakken as an attendee, you will be
registered for the workshop. If you want to make a presentation, you still need to
send us email.
We will be housed at the Granlibakken Resort. The total fee will be either $734 per
person (double occupancy) or $965 per person (single), including meeting costs,
4 nights hotel room, and all meal costs (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This fee
assumes a Sunday arrival and departure after lunch on Thursday. You can bring
a non-attending guest for $336 for the four nights. (All hotel guests MUST be
The meeting website can be found at:
That website will have a link to the Granlibakken registration site. You'll need
to log onto the Granlibakken site with user name "PETA15" and password "PETA15".
Important notes:
There are limited rooms at the workshop so please register soon to make sure
that you get space.
If you will share a room with another attendee, BOTH of you must register,
listing the other person's name in the "I will be sharing lodging with"
If you want to share a room and don't have a roommate, check the "Please
assign a roommate" box".
If are bringing a guest who is not attending the workshop, they must be
registered with the Granlibakken as well.
You can arrange extra days at the resort either before or after the meeting.
There is a place on the form for indicating that.
Looking forward to seeing you at Lake Tahoe.
--bart miller
john mellor-crummey