ELF symbol tables don't lock in which library it comes from, which is
why I hedged about loading order above. If your wrapper function is
named the same as the original symbol, then you'll only win if your
library is loaded first. If you give your functions unique names, then
I'd think (hope) it should work. :)
This makes sense :) This is exactly, what I have been trying within my
program: The resulted binary, however results with wrapped functions
calls to either functions that are part of the binary itself or to
statically linked functions (whereas I haven't tried to wrap statically
linked library function calls, yet -- these should behave like the
remaining functions located within the binary). Unique symbols of the
wrappers to dynamically linked functions unfortunately do not even
appear within the symbol table after rewriting.
My guidelines are as follows:
* printf() // library function to be wrapped
* bg_prinf() // wrapper function
* orig_printf() // represents the original printf() after wrapping
But maybe, I have not thought about some details within my
implementation. Here is a short snippet from my code concerning the
function wrapping:
/* function names in question: providing unique names */
string newFuncName = "bp_" + oldFuncName;
string origFuncName = "orig_" + oldFuncName;
/* find functions in question */
img->findFunction(oldFuncName.c_str(), funcs);
BPatch_function *oldFunc = funcs[0];
img->findFunction(newFuncName.c_str(), funcs);
BPatch_function *newFunc = funcs[0];
/* find the symbol, the orig func shall be referred to from now on */
Module *mod = SymtabAPI::convert(newFunc->getModule());
for (auto s=symbols.begin(); s!=symbols.end(); s++) {
if (!(*s)->getPrettyName().compare(origFuncName))
bp_as->wrapFunction(oldFunc, newFunc, (*s));
PS: In contrast to the solution provided by the Dyninst documentation
(which utilizes the function "findSymbol(...)" to get the symbol of the
function, which should represent the original library function from now
on), I am using the for loop to get the right symbol, since the
documented solution did not work (I am using Dyninst 8.2.1).