To be clear, I don't think this is a problem with the way we are using the ParseAPI, as I've written several programs that all work fine for ELF binaries, but not PE.
The failure is almost immediate when trying to create the SymtabCodeSource object:
SymtabCodeSource âsts = new SymtabCodeSource(binary_path);
From: Dyninst-api [dyninst-api-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of E.Robbins [er209@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 16 April 2014 12:13
To: dyninst-api@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DynInst_API:] ParseAPI and PE files
we are trying to use the ParseAPI with PE files. Even with the simple example in the ParseAPI manual, we get an error:
[SymtabCodeSource.C] FATAL: can't create Symtab object for file <executable name>
It appears that the SymtabCodeSource does not like PE files. Is this a known issue, and/or is there a work around?
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