I've built a method/function that intends to iterate over 2 BPatch_addressSpace
objects that I have opened from disk. This works as expected when ran within
Eclipse but when I run it from the command line I get differing results coming
from accessing/iterating over a BPatch_basicBlock -> getInstructions()
collection/vector. My method iterates over the first 4 instructions finding
the same in both addressSpaces (I'm using two copies of the same executable
so they should all agree) then I begin to see reported differences in the string
representation (format() method of Instruction) as well as the operands in the
So, is this a known problem with the InstructionAPI, that you cannot rely on what
it parses? I've posted my method on pastebin as: http://pastebin.com/6UiJvhSh
if you want to see what/how I'm iterating over the instructions in the blocks.