[DynInst_API:] Dyninst 8.1 compiling concern

Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 02:45:58 -0600
From: Barton Miller <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] Dyninst 8.1 compiling concern
We had some concern that the release email for Dyninst 8.1 stated that all
mutator code MUST be compiled with C++11 support. My staff tells me that this
is not strictly true. In most cases, code compiled for C++11 and code compiled
for the legacy C++98 is ABI compatible with Dyninst. 

This is not the case for code produced by GCC 4.7.0 and 4.7.1. For these
compiler versions, all mutator code MUST be compiled with C++11 support
(-std=c++0x) or undefined behavior will result. We highly recommend that
anyone using those compiler versions upgrade to 4.7.2 or later, which
preserves ABI compatibility. 

More information can be found here:

Sorry for any confusion.  And let us know if you have any questions or

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