Re: [DynInst_API:] DYNINSTuserMessage() in a function called with oneTimeCode()

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 13:57:07 -0800
From: Josh Stone <jistone@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] DYNINSTuserMessage() in a function called with oneTimeCode()
On 02/11/2013 01:47 PM, Matthew LeGendre wrote:
> Also, your earlier message implied that you use DYNINSTUserMessage in all 
> of your probes.  As an FYI, DYNINSTUserMessage is fairly expensive and 
> involves pausing the mutatee and two context-switches.  It's not something 
> you'd ever want to put into an app's inner loop.  If you see any 
> performance problems you may want to consider replacing it with a named 
> pipe/socket or shared memory.

Hmm, we do use shared memory between the mutator and mutatee already for
other common state, and we were considering that as another way to add
message passing.  If DYNINSTuserMessage is never expected to be
performant, then perhaps we should try those other things after all.
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