My test mutator is processMain, which just tries to start a process and instrument the main function, adding a printf call to mark the occasion. The mutatee "throw" is just a main function that throws and catches its own exception before returning.
When running by itself, the mutatee does just fine, exiting quietly. When running instrumented, I get this:
$ ./processMain ./throw main! terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): foo
So it does get the instrumentation's printf, but then the exception gets thrown and not caught, forcing an bad exit and that terminate message from libstdc++.
Any ideas?
Yes. In short, we can mangle exception handling due to our code insertion technique. I have some research code to handle this (as well as nastier binaries) that I'll test out here. I can test a fix pretty quickly, and have some ideas for a more elegant technique.
-- Andrew Bernat Paradyn Project