[DynInst_API:] Reminder: Paradyn/Dyninst Week 2012 Registration Deadline

Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 14:47:43 -0500
From: Jeff Hollingsworth <hollings@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] Reminder: Paradyn/Dyninst Week 2012 Registration Deadline

This is a quick reminder that the registration deadline for Parayn/Dyninst Week 2012 (March 26-28) is this Friday March 9th.

You can view the agenda for the meeting and register at:


Jeff Hollingsworth
Bart Miller

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  • [DynInst_API:] Reminder: Paradyn/Dyninst Week 2012 Registration Deadline, Jeff Hollingsworth <=