Re: [DynInst_API:] ReplaceFunction doesn't work

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 20:01:38 -0400
From: Rishikesh Naik <rishinaik9@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] ReplaceFunction doesn't work
Hi Matt,

Thanks for the reply. I am trying to get parameters of the function defined in my module only and not in libc or any other library. My mutatee program is compiled with -g option but still getParams() returns value 0. The size of the vector is the only thing I know which can distinguish between functions having no parameters and functions having parameters.

What do you suggest in this case?


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Matthew Legendre <legendre@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dyninst collects parameter (and local variable) information from debugging info that may or may not be present in the binary.  If your binary was compiled with '-g' then Dyninst should be able to find debug information.

Many system libraries, such as libc, aren't compiled with debug information and thus Dyninst doesn't know about function parameters.

If you want parameter info for system libraries you might be able to install debuginfo files, depending on your distribution.  RedHat, for example, has the debuginfo-install command for getting debug info for system binaries.

Note that even if debug info is not present, Dyninst instrumentation should still be able to access parameter values.  Dyninst may not know the parameter name, type, or number of parameters, but if you ask for parameter #3, then Dyninst instrumentation should still be able to get that value.


On Thu, 2 Apr 2009, Rishikesh Naik wrote:
Hi All,

I am also facing the same problem that getParams() always returns zero
parameters. What's the solution for this?


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Valéria Quadros <valeriaquadros@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

Hi Matt,

  thanks a lot for your reply. The code is running on a machine with
Ubuntu 2.6.24-19 generic kernel. The dyninstAPI version is 5.2 and the
processor is an intel centrino duo.

  If I replace on "__libc_write" (appImage->findFunction("__libc_write",
writeFuncs) - is that what you mean?), findFunction returns:

 --SERIOUS-- #100: Image: Unable to find function: __libc_write
 ERROR: Unable to find function for __libc_write()

  By the way, the method getParams() returns zero parameter no matter the
function I call. Reading the programmer's guide, I understood it should
return three parameters (fd, buffer, bufflen) when called to the write
function, shouldn't it?

Best regards, Valéria

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Matthew Legendre <legendre@xxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

(I'm going to cc this to bugs@xxxxxxxxxxx, which would be a better place
for this question).

After a quick glance at your code, nothing jumps out at me as incorrect.
What OS and Platform are you running on?  If Linux, what distribution?

Also, if you're using Linux, does doing the replace on "__libc_write"


On Thu, 2 Apr 2009, Valéria Quadros wrote:

 I have a code which is supposed to change the behavior of a function
(write call). I generated a shared library with the new write method and
link it against my mutatee. When I compile and execute the mutator,
everything seems to be ok; however, the new write method is not called.
library code is:


ssize_t myWrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) {
 fprintf(stderr, "hello");
 return 0;

The library was generated with the commands:
gcc -fPIC -g -c -Wall myLib.c -o myLibObj.o
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o myLibObj.o -lc

The mutatte code is:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main() {
 int fd = open("wwopen.txt" , O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666);

 int res = write(fd, "see you", 7);

 printf("Written %d bytes", res);

 return 1;

It was compiled with the command:
gcc -g -o wwopen wwopen.c

The mutator code is:

#include "BPatch.h"
#include "BPatch_process.h"
#include "BPatch_function.h"
#include "BPatch_Vector.h"
#include "BPatch_thread.h"

bool replaceWrite(BPatch_process *app, BPatch_image *appImage, int rate)
 int res;
 char name[128];
 unsigned int i;

 BPatch_Vector<BPatch_function *> myFuncs;
 appImage->findFunction("myWrite", myFuncs);
 fprintf(stderr, "myWrite size: %d\n", myFuncs.size());
 BPatch_Vector<BPatch_localVar *> *myparams = myFuncs[0]->getParams();
 fprintf(stderr, "\nParams size: %d", myparams->size());

 // (1) Locate the write call
 BPatch_Vector<BPatch_function *> writeFuncs;
 appImage->findFunction("write", writeFuncs);
 if(writeFuncs.size() == 0) {
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to find function for write()\n");
     return false;
 fprintf(stderr, "\nWrite size: %d\n", writeFuncs.size());

 for(i = 0; i < writeFuncs.size(); i++) {
     writeFuncs[i]->getName(name, 128);
     fprintf(stderr, "\nIsShared1: %d", writeFuncs[i]->isSharedLib());
     fprintf(stderr, "\nWrite1 name: %s\n", name);

     BPatch_Vector<BPatch_localVar *> *params =
     fprintf(stderr, "\nParams size: %d", params->size());

 res = app->replaceFunction(*writeFuncs[0], *myFuncs[0]);

 fprintf(stderr, "\nReplace res: %d", res);

 return true;

pid_t createDynProcess(const char *path, const char **argv, int rate) {
 BPatch bPatch;
 bool res;

 BPatch_process *app = bPatch.processCreate(path, argv);
 if(!app) {
     return -1;
 fprintf(stderr, "\nPassei do processCreate");
 BPatch_image *appImage = app->getImage();

 res = app->loadLibrary("", true);
 if(res == true)
     fprintf(stderr, "\nOK - library loaded");
     fprintf(stderr, "\nNon-OK");

 fprintf(stderr, "\nInstrumenting write...\n");
 res = replaceWrite(app, appImage, rate);
 if (!res) {
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to instrument mutatee\n");
     return -1;

 // Continue the execution...
 fprintf(stderr, "\nContinuing execution and waiting for
 res = app->continueExecution();
 fprintf(stderr, "\nContinue Execution: %d", res);
 while (!app->isTerminated())

 return app->getPid();

int main() {
 const char *procArgv[2];
 procArgv[0] = const_cast<char*>("wwopen_temp.txt");
 procArgv[1] = NULL;
 int rate = 2;

 int pid =
createDynProcess(strdup("/home/valeria/dyn_write_test/wwopen"), procArgv,

 return pid;

It was compiled with the command:
g++ -Wall -I /usr/local/dyninst/include -L
/usr/local/dyninst/i386-unknown-linux2.4/lib -ldyninstAPI -g -o teste

I don't know where the mistake is. I hope somebody can help me.

Best regard, Valeria

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