Hi all,
I'm using the new c++ classad library 0.9.5 but I'm having
some problems while parsing quoted attributes:
for instance the following piece of code:
ClassAdParser par ;
string attr = "other.GlueCEStateStatus == \"Production\"";
cout << par.ParseExpression(attr, true) <<
endl ;
does work properly with the previous classad libraries whilest with
the newer one it returns NULL (i.e. it prints 0)
if I don't use the quote character, instead:
string attr = "other.GlueCEStateStatus == Production";
no problems arise.
Can you please check it? thank you very much in advance,
Alessandro Maraschini
GRID R&D Group
Government and Institutions Division
Via Laurentina, 760 -I- 00143 Rome - Italy
Phone: +39 06 5027 4501
Fax: +39 06 5027 2500