[classad-users] Comments wiht Classads ?

Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 07:37:42 -0600 (CST)
From: Vincent Garonne <garonne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [classad-users] Comments wiht Classads ?

I introduce myself. My name is vincent garonne and i'm working on a 
distributed/ grid system called DIRAC (ditributed infrastructure Agent 
For this project i'm using classads to do the matchmaking between jobs 
and sites.
I just want to know if it's possible to have comments in a classads 
files like /* */ in c/c++ or # in python.
I 've (re)read the documentation and even the Yacc grammar and and 
did'nt see anything about it.


Vincent Garonne, DIRAC/LCG/DataGrid/LHCb, CPPM - Marseille, France,
E-mail: garonne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Tel: (33) (0)4 91 82 76 23
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