Upcoming office hours cancellations, limited email support

Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:04:39 +0000
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Upcoming office hours cancellations, limited email support

Dear CHTC users, 


During the upcoming holiday break, the Facilitation team will be working on a series of special projects for the upcoming year. As a result, the team will have the following altered schedule: 

  • Tuesday office hours will be canceled starting December 19th and will resume January 23rd for the spring semester. Thursday office hours will continue as usual except there will be no office hours the week of December 25th-29th.
    • Our full office hour schedule over the break is also listed on our Get Help page.
  • There will be limited email support December 19th through January 22nd. 


Additionally, on January 9th, there will be a scheduled maintenance outage impacting several CHTC services. More information will be provided in early January. 



The Facilitation Team  

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