Greetings CHTC Users,
The NSF has recently announced a new mechanism for requesting High-Throughput Computing (HTC) resources provided by the CHTC-led
PATh project. Computing resources available via allocated ‘PATh
Facility credits’ include:
approximately 35,000 CPU cores, ideal for high throughput computing, including multi-core jobs.
three dozen NVIDIA A100 GPUs, ideal for applications such as machine learning, molecular dynamics, and image processing.
These resources are dedicated to PATh and represent additional capacity beyond
HTC resources available to UW-Madison researchers through CHTC. CHTC staff
are happy to:
discuss computational work relevant to the PATh Facility, and
help you develop an estimate of your PATh credit needs.
Please get in touch via
chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx if you’d like to discuss more.
Details from NSF are below:
Dear Colleague Letter: Pilot for the Allocation
of High - Throughput Computing Resources (HTC)