Reminder: submit-3 is going away Friday, March 29

Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 10:19:03 -0500
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Reminder: submit-3 is going away Friday, March 29
Hi CHTC users,

A quick reminder for users of our high throughput system with accounts on -- submit-3 is being retired at the end of this week (March 29). After that date, all data on the server will be removed and jobs still in the queue at that time will be lost

If you used submit-3 within the past year, you should have an account on the replacement submit server, Please migrate your workflows there. See our original email below for further details about the new accounts.Â

Email us with any questions (chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx).

Your CHTC Team

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 10:15 AM
Subject: Move from submit-3 to submit2
To: chtc-users <chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>

(those without accounts on can ignore the remainder of this email)

In our ongoing effort to upgrade all CHTC servers to a new operating system, we are migrating users with accounts on to a new submit server,

Please begin using submit2 NOW, and migrate any data for future jobs by EOB Friday, March 29.
  • If you have used your HTC account within the last year, we have already created your account with a 20GB quota on submit2.Â
  • If you cannot log into submit2, please send an email to chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx and let us know.
  • Only move data that you'll need for new computational work, rather than moving ALL of your data; this is an excellent time for some clean-up of your /home directory. Write to us at chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx with an explanation if you think you'll need more than 20 GB of space on submit2.
The submit-3 server will be decommissioned after Friday, March 29.Â
  • Begin moving/removing your data from submit-3 NOW, so that there is not a mad rush in the days just before this date. Any data not migrated to submit2 by then will be lost. CHTC does not keep backups of any of your data on our systems.
  • Jobs still in the queue at that time will be lost and need to be resubmitted from submit2.
We'll send at least two reminder emails between now and March 29. Please remember that CHTC filesystems are not backed up. You should not have any data on a CHTC server that is not backed up in a non-CHTC location, and only have data on CHTC compute systems that is being used for actively-running jobs.

Thank you,
Your CHTC Team

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  • Reminder: submit-3 is going away Friday, March 29, chtc-users <=