Re: [Chtc-users] Clean up CHTC file space in August; Deactivation/deletion of data in unused accounts

Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2017 10:13:21 -0500
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Chtc-users] Clean up CHTC file space in August; Deactivation/deletion of data in unused accounts
Greetings Everyone,

It has come to our attention that the below email may have been filtered by Office 365's quarantine rules for some of you. Please check for the original mail and make sure that chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx is in your address book(s), whatever email client you use. Please also help you other group members by making sure they're receiving our emails.

Your CHTC Team

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 4:09 PM, <chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greetings ALL CHTC Users,

In our effort to keep filesystems performing well across CHTC systems, we are writing to ALL users for your help in cleaning out data from CHTC filesystems and to remind you of CHTC data policies:

I. Clear out old data NOW from all CHTC home directory space AND the HTC Squid location.
  • This applies across the HPC Cluster, HTC System submit servers, and HTC squid file systems (the HTC Gluster was already recently cleaned out for rebuilding).Â
  • We will provide several reminders in the month of August, and will be emailing specific users with significant older data that has been left in CHTC file space. If necessary, we may temporarily deactivate your login access in order to get your attention.
  • If you are unsure which data to delete, please revisit CHTC data storage policies, described below and as they've always been stated across CHTC user guides.
II. After August 9, accounts will be deactivated and all data deleted for users who have not modified any home directory files for 2+ years.
  • For such deactivated accounts that have gone 2+ years without new/modified files, we will also remove account data from the HTC Squid location. Please let us know if you are relying on data in the /squid folder of another user, as it will need to be moved to your own folder.
  • We will provide a reminder of this action early next week.Â
  • If you believe you fall into this category and need to keep your data, we suggest you review CHTC data storage policies, below, and move this data to a non-CHTC location. It should not have been left on CHTC file systems.

CHTC Data Storage Policies

- All CHTC file space should be treated as temporary storage, available ONLY for active and currently-queued computational work.ÂUsers should be remove data ASAP after a batch of work has completed. Requests for more space (e.g. quota increases) for a concurrently running set of jobs should be sent to chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx.
- CHTC does not back up any user data across any CHTC file space. It is the responsibility of CHTC users to always keep backups of essential data and software in non-CHTC locations, such that it could be easily reinstated to it's in-use location on CHTC systems in the future. Data corruption and accidental deletions are real possibilities that all users should be prepared for with their own backups.
- CHTC staff reserve the right to remove any user data if it is contributing to performance issues for other users and do not accept responsibility for lost or corrupted user data. In either case, the user should already have a copy of any essential data so as to easily reinstate it within CHTC systems (see previous). Lack of awareness of policies and practices will not help you to reinstate data by the time it is lost.
These policies are (and have always been) echoed within the general policies for the HPC Cluster, HTC submit serversHTC Squid web proxy, and HTC Gluster.

Thank you for taking action to clear out old data in a timely manner. As always, please email chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx (rather than replying to this email list) if you have any questions or concerns.Â

Your CHTC Team

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