[Chtc-users] Matlab, R and Python users / Folks with larger memory needs

Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 08:48:05 -0500
From: Bill Taylor <bt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Chtc-users] Matlab, R and Python users / Folks with larger memory needs
R, Matlab and Python

We have completed making changes to allow our Matlab,
R and Python to run on both Scientific Linux 5 AND 6 opening
up more resources.

Make sure, if you are not on our submit node, that you update
to chtc-utils 1.7(your Linux administrator will have to do that)

The new ChtcRun, downloadable from our webpage will set
a suitable submit file entry("+WantRHEL6Job = true"). Otherwise
if you are submitting Matlab, R or Python in another environment
just add that to your submit files.

The main change is that the Python and R build tools return
a branded version of the results with both a sl5 version and a sl6
version. Send both with your job and the "chtcwrapper" will
do the rest.

It simply looks at what kind of system it lands on and pulls
the right version of the runtime down.

Memory Requests

I suggest anyone using ChtcRun
get the new version because it requests memory in a way to
more easily get more memory for jobs which need it.

Those not using ChtcRun

request_memory = 2000  (get me 2 Gigs)

This statement is the new way of asking for memory. It should no longer
go in the requirements line in the submit file
Bill Taylor 608-263-2656 (608-219-4430)
Center for High Throughput Computing(CHTC)
Condor project
Computer Sciences 
University of Wisconsin, Madison
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