[Chtc-users] Daily CHTC usage 2011-09-02

Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 00:16:00 -0500
From: condor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Chtc-users] Daily CHTC usage 2011-09-02
Total Usage between 2011-09-01 and 2011-09-02

Group Usage Summary
   User                                Hours    Pct Demand
-- ------------------------------ ---------- ------ ------
 1 Spalding                           9046.8 23.31%  98.5%
 2 ChE_dePablo                        6365.0 16.40%   4.5%
 3 Physics_Coppersmith                2653.6  6.84%  14.3%
 4 Physics_Petriello                  2561.1  6.60%  20.4%
 5 BMRB                               2472.3  6.37%  17.2%
 6 IceCube                            2223.5  5.73%  10.3%
 7 Biochem_Senes                      1818.4  4.68%  43.2%
 8 ERC                                1810.5  4.66%  15.1%
 9 Chemistry_Coon                     1702.8  4.39%  98.5%
10 ChemPolymers                       1303.6  3.36%   0.0%
11 CMS                                1282.2  3.30%  55.7%
12 Physics_Balantekin                 1265.7  3.26%  32.1%
13 Chemistry_Schmidt                  1185.6  3.05%   4.7%
14 LMCG                               1127.1  2.90%  13.2%
15 Chemistry_Cui                      1022.3  2.63%   0.0%
16 Cs_Zhang                            450.6  1.16%   1.8%
17 MSE                                 320.9  0.83%   1.1%
18 Morgridge_Thomson@xxxxxxxxxxxx      131.6  0.34%   0.7%
19 Chemistry                            23.1  0.06%   0.1%
20 Purdue                               18.1  0.05%  33.8%
21 backfill                             13.0  0.03%       
22 Agronomy_DeLeon@chtcsubmit           12.0  0.03%   0.0%
23 MSE_Morgan                            2.1  0.01%   0.0%
24 CAE                                   1.6  0.00%   0.0%
25 Biochem_Attie                         0.4  0.00%   0.0%
26 GRECC                                 0.2  0.00%       
--------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------
TOTAL                                38814.0 100.00%  98.6%

Individual Usage Summary
   User                                Hours    Pct Demand         Group
-- ------------------------------ ---------- ------ ------ -------------
 1 spalding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     8981.4 23.14%  98.5%      Spalding
 2 malshe@xxxxxxxxxxxx                4768.9 12.29%   0.0%   ChE_dePablo
 3 Physics_Coppersmith@xxxxxxxxxx     2653.6  6.84%  14.3% Physics_Coppersmith
 4 yli@xxxxxxxxxxxx                   2561.1  6.60%  20.4% Physics_Petriello
 5 bmrb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                 2472.3  6.37%  17.2%          BMRB
 6 juancarlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     1967.0  5.07%   9.5%       IceCube
 7 ERC@xxxxxxxxxxxx                   1810.5  4.66%  15.1%           ERC
 8 crose@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     1640.4  4.23%  98.5% Chemistry_Coon
 9 bmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      1323.0  3.41%  31.7% Biochem_Senes
10 ChemPolymers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     1303.6  3.36%   0.0%  ChemPolymers
11 malkus@xxxxxxxxxxxx                1265.7  3.26%  32.1% Physics_Balantekin
12 kuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         1175.1  3.03%   4.7% Chemistry_Schmidt
13 szhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                1046.3  2.70%  13.1%          LMCG
14 jklukas@xxxxxxxxxxxx               1028.4  2.65%  55.7%           CMS
15 pxq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           1013.1  2.61%   0.0% Chemistry_Cui
16 dhinckley@xxxxxxxxxxxx              674.0  1.74%   2.1%   ChE_dePablo
17 gfreeman@xxxxxxxxxxxx               530.0  1.37%   1.7%   ChE_dePablo
18 seneslab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       495.3  1.28%  14.8% Biochem_Senes
19 Cs_Zhang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       450.6  1.16%   1.8%      Cs_Zhang
20 rsakidja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       320.9  0.83%   1.1%           MSE
21 dhinckley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      280.8  0.72%   0.7%   ChE_dePablo
22 icetopusr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      256.5  0.66%   0.8%       IceCube
23 iross@xxxxxxxxxxxx                  238.6  0.61%   0.0%           CMS
24 Morgridge_Thomson@xxxxxxxxxxxx      131.6  0.34%   0.7%         other
25 toepperw@xxxxxxxxxxxx               104.1  0.27%   0.0%   ChE_dePablo
26 spalding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        65.4  0.17%   0.4%      Spalding
27 cvincent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       57.2  0.15%   1.3% Chemistry_Coon
28 mplace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                 53.9  0.14%   0.0%          LMCG
29 omm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                    26.8  0.07%   0.2%          LMCG
30 zwu7@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            23.1  0.06%   0.1%     Chemistry
31 efriis@xxxxxxxxxxxx                  15.1  0.04%                  CMS
32 boinc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                  13.0  0.03%             backfill
33 Agronomy_DeLeon@chtcsubmit           12.0  0.03%   0.0%         other
34 trobitai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             10.7  0.03%  33.8%        Purdue
35 jchristianson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       10.6  0.03%   0.1% Chemistry_Schmidt
36 pgoyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           9.1  0.02%   0.0% Chemistry_Cui
37 daverett@xxxxxxxxxxxx                 7.3  0.02%          ChE_dePablo
38 cyang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        4.6  0.01%   0.1% Chemistry_Coon
39 twykoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx               4.1  0.01%   0.1%        Purdue
40 wagstaff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              3.3  0.01%   3.7%        Purdue
41 tmayeshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         2.1  0.01%   0.0%    MSE_Morgan
42 yzhang@xxxxxxxxxxxx                   1.6  0.00%                  CAE
43 aledvina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        0.6  0.00%   0.0% Chemistry_Coon
44 Biochem_Attie@xxxxxxxxxxx             0.4  0.00%        Biochem_Attie
45 GRECC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx               0.2  0.00%                GRECC
46 mbechner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                0.0  0.00%   0.0%          LMCG
--------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------
TOTAL                                38814.0 100.00%  98.6%

Usage history and power consumption:
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