[Chtc-users] Daily CHTC usage 2011-11-02

Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 00:15:11 -0500
From: condor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Chtc-users] Daily CHTC usage 2011-11-02
Total Usage between 2011-11-01 and 2011-11-02

Group Usage Summary
   User                                Hours    Pct Demand
-- ------------------------------ ---------- ------ ------
 1 BMRB                               6388.8 18.51%  38.7%
 2 CMS                                5780.8 16.75%  76.2%
 3 Chemistry_Coon                     5348.2 15.49%  67.7%
 4 IceCube                            3495.9 10.13%  18.4%
 5 Biochem_Senes                      1849.1  5.36%   6.9%
 6 ERC                                1729.7  5.01%   6.1%
 7 ChemPolymers                       1652.3  4.79%   0.0%
 8 Chemistry_Cui                      1565.9  4.54%   1.1%
 9 ChE_dePablo                        1392.6  4.03%   5.7%
10 Physics_Petriello                  1346.2  3.90%   4.4%
11 Cs_Zhang                            999.8  2.90%   3.6%
12 Chemistry_Schmidt                   993.2  2.88%   4.1%
13 Biostat_Broman                      770.3  2.23%  11.1%
14 Chemistry                           374.4  1.08%   0.1%
15 EccMath_Assadi                      281.1  0.81%   0.6%
16 backfill                            188.1  0.54%       
17 MSE                                 176.7  0.51%   0.4%
18 ECE_VanVeen                          96.6  0.28%   0.0%
19 EngrPhysics_Sridharan                33.7  0.10%   0.1%
20 adesmet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         24.6  0.07%   0.0%
21 LMCG                                 17.1  0.05%   0.1%
22 Biochem_Sussman                       9.8  0.03%   0.0%
23 OSG                                   3.3  0.01%   0.0%
24 AnimalSciences_Wu@xxxxxxxxxxxx        0.5  0.00%   0.0%
25 AnimalSciences_Wu                     0.5  0.00%   0.0%
26 Atlas                                 0.3  0.00%       
27 CS                                    0.2  0.00%   0.0%
--------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------
TOTAL                                34519.6 100.00%  76.8%

Individual Usage Summary
   User                                Hours    Pct Demand         Group
-- ------------------------------ ---------- ------ ------ -------------
 1 bmrb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                 6388.8 18.51%  38.7%          BMRB
 2 crose@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     5003.1 14.49%  67.6% Chemistry_Coon
 3 ice3simusr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     3407.0  9.87%  12.4%       IceCube
 4 swanson@xxxxxxxxxxxx               2184.6  6.33%  50.3%           CMS
 5 ERC@xxxxxxxxxxxx                   1729.7  5.01%   6.1%           ERC
 6 mcepeda@xxxxxxxxxxxx               1726.4  5.00%  76.2%           CMS
 7 ChemPolymers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     1652.3  4.79%   0.0%  ChemPolymers
 8 dhinckley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     1237.0  3.58%   4.7%   ChE_dePablo
 9 bachtis@xxxxxxxxxxxx               1221.7  3.54%   5.9%           CMS
10 bmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      1189.8  3.45%   3.5% Biochem_Senes
11 pxq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           1149.2  3.33%   0.0% Chemistry_Cui
12 rgavin@xxxxxxxxxxxx                1096.3  3.18%   3.8% Physics_Petriello
13 Cs_Zhang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       999.8  2.90%   3.6%      Cs_Zhang
14 jchristianson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      993.2  2.88%   4.1% Chemistry_Schmidt
15 Biostat_Broman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      770.3  2.23%  11.1% Biostat_Broman
16 seneslab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       659.3  1.91%   3.4% Biochem_Senes
17 osg_cmsprod@xxxxxxxxxxxx            410.5  1.19%   2.3%           CMS
18 hguanhua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       306.4  0.89%   0.8% Chemistry_Cui
19 adel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           281.1  0.81%   0.6% EccMath_Assadi
20 syang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          257.7  0.75%   0.0%     Chemistry
21 yli@xxxxxxxxxxxx                    249.9  0.72%   0.6% Physics_Petriello
22 boinc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                 188.1  0.54%             backfill
23 osg_cmsuser1748@xxxxxxxxxxxx        178.0  0.52%   3.5%           CMS
24 rsakidja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       176.7  0.51%   0.4%           MSE
25 gfreeman@xxxxxxxxxxxx               152.2  0.44%   0.5%   ChE_dePablo
26 pgoyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         110.4  0.32%   0.3% Chemistry_Cui
27 aledvina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      106.8  0.31%   0.1% Chemistry_Coon
28 cvincent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      101.7  0.29%   0.0% Chemistry_Coon
29 ElectricalComputerEngr_VanVeen       96.6  0.28%   0.0%   ECE_VanVeen
30 cyang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       93.3  0.27%   0.3% Chemistry_Coon
31 juancarlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       70.5  0.20%   6.7%       IceCube
32 xzhu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            70.3  0.20%   0.0%     Chemistry
33 zwu7@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            46.5  0.13%   0.1%     Chemistry
34 osg_cmsuser2427@xxxxxxxxxxxx         36.4  0.11%   6.8%           CMS
35 jrussell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       35.5  0.10%   0.1% Chemistry_Coon
36 ksinterface@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       33.7  0.10%   0.1% EngrPhysics_Sridharan
37 adesmet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         24.6  0.07%   0.0%         other
38 ojalvo@xxxxxxxxxxxx                  23.3  0.07%   0.4%           CMS
39 icetopusr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       18.5  0.05%   0.0%       IceCube
40 omm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                    17.1  0.05%   0.1%          LMCG
41 manoj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            9.8  0.03%   0.0% Biochem_Sussman
42 apeterson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        4.3  0.01%   0.0% Chemistry_Coon
43 xerxes@xxxxxxxxxxxx                   3.4  0.01%   0.5%   ChE_dePablo
44 alarson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        2.0  0.01%        Chemistry_Coon
45 osg_glow@xxxxxxxxxxxx                 1.6  0.00%                  OSG
46 ahebert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        1.5  0.00%        Chemistry_Coon
47 osg_engage@xxxxxxxxxxxx               1.3  0.00%                  OSG
48 AnimalSciences_Wu@xxxxxxxxxxxx        0.5  0.00%   0.0%         other
49 llibertat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        0.5  0.00%   0.0% AnimalSciences_Wu
50 osg_geant4@xxxxxxxxxxxx               0.4  0.00%   0.0%           OSG
51 wguan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             0.3  0.00%                Atlas
52 gthain@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           0.2  0.00%   0.0%            CS
--------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------
TOTAL                                34519.6 100.00%  76.8%

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