[Chtc-users] 2011 OSG Summer School - Opportunity for Learning Distributed Computing

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 11:39:38 -0500
From: Bill Taylor <bt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Chtc-users] 2011 OSG Summer School - Opportunity for Learning Distributed Computing

We invite you and your colleagues to apply now for the 2011 OSG Summer School where you can learn to harness the power of distributed computing while spending a week at the beautiful University of Wisconsin-Madison.

During the school, you will learn to use high-throughput computing (HTC) systems--at your own campus or using the national Open Science Grid (OSG)--to run large-scale computing applications that are at the heart of today’s cutting-edge science. Through lectures, discussions, and lots of hands-on activities with experienced OSG staff, you will learn how HTC systems work, how to run and manage lots of jobs and huge datasets to implement a scientific computing workflow, and where to turn for more information and help.

The school is ideal for graduate students in computer science or other sciences where large-scale computing is a vital part of the research process, but any qualified and interested applicant will be considered. In the past, we've had students from diverse backgrounds including genetics, geographic information systems, and physics. Successful applicants will have all travel and school expenses paid for by the OSG. Furthermore, as part of a collaboration with TeraGrid, students will go to the annual TeraGrid Conference (TG11, July 18–21, 2011 in Salt Lake City, Utah) with all travel and conference expenses paid.

Important dates:
Applications Open: Now
Applications Close: Friday, April 1, 2011
School Session: June 26-30, 2011

For more information, please visit<http://www.opensciencegrid.org/GridSchool>  or email us at<gridschool-2011-info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.
We hope to hear from you soon.

Tim Cartwright and Alain Roy
2011 OSG Summer School Organizers

Bill Taylor 263-2656 (cell 219-4430)
Center for High Throughput Computing(CHTC)
Condor project
Computer Sciences

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