[Chtc-users] Daily CHTC usage 2011-02-08

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 00:15:03 -0600
From: condor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Chtc-users] Daily CHTC usage 2011-02-08
Total Usage between 2011-02-07 and 2011-02-08

Group Usage Summary
   User                                Hours   Pct Demand
-- ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ------
 1 Chemistry_Cui                      6977.3 18.7%  16.1%
 2 ChE_dePablo                        6072.7 16.2%   2.6%
 3 QuantumAlgorithms                  5822.1 15.6%  41.7%
 4 LMCG                               4369.0 11.7%  11.8%
 5 backfill                           3561.8  9.5%       
 6 ERC                                2516.6  6.7%   8.9%
 7 ChemPolymers                       2114.1  5.7%   0.0%
 8 MSE                                1433.0  3.8%   4.9%
 9 Physics_Barger                     1213.5  3.2%   8.7%
10 Chemistry_Skinner                  1186.6  3.2%   3.7%
11 Physics_Balantekin                  900.2  2.4%   6.2%
12 Technion                            479.2  1.3%   3.4%
13 Cs_Zhang                            192.0  0.5%   0.0%
14 Physics_Petriello                    99.9  0.3%   0.2%
15 ECE_VanVeen                          95.5  0.3%   0.3%
16 MedPhysics                           83.2  0.2%   0.2%
17 CMS                                  73.3  0.2%   1.2%
18 PathobiologicalSciences_Mayhew       67.0  0.2%   0.5%
19 IceCube                              66.7  0.2%   0.0%
20 Chemistry_Coon                       33.0  0.1%   0.0%
21 Forestry_Radeloff                    20.6  0.1%   0.2%
22 Zoology_Lee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        0.7  0.0%       
--------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------
TOTAL                                37378.3 100.0%  99.8%

Individual Usage Summary
   User                                Hours   Pct Demand         Group
-- ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ------ -------------
 1 rudinger@xxxxxxxxxxxx              5822.1 15.6%  41.7% QuantumAlgorithms
 2 szhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                4345.8 11.6%  11.8%          LMCG
 3 toepperw@xxxxxxxxxxxx              4138.7 11.1%   0.0%   ChE_dePablo
 4 cui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           3535.8  9.5%  12.9% Chemistry_Cui
 5 boinc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                3036.0  8.1%             backfill
 6 ERC@xxxxxxxxxxxx                   2516.6  6.7%   8.9%           ERC
 7 ChemPolymers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     2114.1  5.7%   0.0%  ChemPolymers
 8 yang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          2076.3  5.6%   0.0% Chemistry_Cui
 9 rsakidja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      1433.0  3.8%   4.9%           MSE
10 adpeterson2@xxxxxxxxxxxx           1194.4  3.2%   8.6% Physics_Barger
11 lwang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         1186.6  3.2%   3.7% Chemistry_Skinner
12 pgoyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         931.9  2.5%   3.2% Chemistry_Cui
13 malkus@xxxxxxxxxxxx                 900.2  2.4%   6.2% Physics_Balantekin
14 gfreeman@xxxxxxxxxxxx               844.6  2.3%   0.0%   ChE_dePablo
15 unagpal@xxxxxxxxxxxx                601.7  1.6%   1.9%   ChE_dePablo
16 boinc                               525.8  1.4%             backfill
17 pedtool@xxxxxxxxxxx                 479.2  1.3%   3.4%      Technion
18 hguanhua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       433.3  1.2%   0.0% Chemistry_Cui
19 mcgovern@xxxxxxxxxxxx               245.2  0.7%   0.0%   ChE_dePablo
20 daverett@xxxxxxxxxxxx               232.5  0.6%   0.6%   ChE_dePablo
21 Cs_Zhang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       192.0  0.5%   0.0%      Cs_Zhang
22 ElectricalComputerEngr_VanVeen       95.5  0.3%   0.3%   ECE_VanVeen
23 xmo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        83.2  0.2%   0.2%    MedPhysics
24 bachtis@xxxxxxxxxxxx                 73.3  0.2%   1.2%           CMS
25 PathobiologicalSciences_Mayhew       67.0  0.2%   0.5%         other
26 sakula@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         66.7  0.2%              IceCube
27 yli@xxxxxxxxxxxx                     54.1  0.1%   0.1% Physics_Petriello
28 rgavin@xxxxxxxxxxxx                  45.9  0.1%   0.1% Physics_Petriello
29 ahebert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       30.3  0.1%        Chemistry_Coon
30 omm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                    23.2  0.1%   0.0%          LMCG
31 pdculbert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       20.6  0.1%   0.2% Forestry_Radeloff
32 chiutien@xxxxxxxxxxxx                19.1  0.1%   0.1% Physics_Barger
33 dhinckley@xxxxxxxxxxxx                9.9  0.0%          ChE_dePablo
34 jrussell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        2.7  0.0%   0.0% Chemistry_Coon
35 Zoology_Lee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        0.7  0.0%                other
--------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------
TOTAL                                37378.3 100.0%  99.8%

Usage history and power consumption:
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