Re: [AIRG] Fast concentration for mean estimation, 04/03, CS3310

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 16:53:04 +0000
From: Aubrey Barnard <barnard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AIRG] Fast concentration for mean estimation, 04/03, CS3310

This afternoon Ankit Pensia will be introducing us to estimation for 
heavy-tailed distributions, which are important because there are plenty 
of things in the world that are not Gaussian. For example, the Cauchy 
distribution describes the incidence on a line of rays emitted from a 
fixed point, and is so heavy tailed as to not have a mean. The issue of 
heavy tails has also been addressed in the popular press, in books such 
as "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable", where the 
author espouses the ubiquity of power laws and their distributions 
(which have heavier tails than Gaussians).

4pm, CS 3310

Power law:
Paper 2:
Paper 1: / /


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On 4/1/19 10:39 AM, Ankit Pensia wrote:
> Hi AIRG,
> I will talk about mean estimation for heavy-tailed distributions. For a 
> nice (light-tailed) distribution, sample mean has exponential 
> concentration by Hoeffding's inequality. But what if the distribution is 
> heavy-tailed? One might wonder if exponential-concentration is even 
> possible because empirical mean can shown to be pretty wild. Turns out 
> it is indeed possible!
> I will talk about variety of estimators which achieve exponential 
> concentration even for heavy-tailed distributions, starting from single 
> dimension, then extending it to multiple dimensions, and finally high 
> dimensions (infinite dimensions).
> These estimators are very simple to state and follow the philosophy of 
> "median of means". I will present estimators from multiple papers 
> without going into a lot of proofs.
> Couple of papers on this topic:
>  Â1. Bandits with heavy tails:
>  Â2. Geometric median and robust estimation in Banach spaces: 
> *Time and place: 04/03, 4pm, CS 3310 *
> Thanks,
> Ankit Pensia
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